Narrabri Homelessness Support

The Narrabri Homelessness Support Service provides services to those who are experencing homlessness or suffering with the effects of being homeless. We offer ongoing support and assistance in a neutral and non judgemental environment.

What is Homelessness?


Homelessness is not just about lack of shelter. People experiencing homelessness may be sleeping rough, in crisis or temporary accommodation or couch surfing with family and friends.

How we help people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness


Our Caseworkers aim to support you in gaining permanent tenancy through advocating with real estate agencies and other services. We also assist with Rent Start Bond Loans and housing / rental applications. Our case workers can help connect you with other support services

Our programs include “Rent It Keep It” and “Recipe for Life” to support you with basic living skills such as cleaning and budgeting. We can also refer you to health and employment services if required.

For after hours, emergency temporary accommodation phone Link2home on 1800 152 152.

Our Services

Neighbourhood Centre

Narrabri Homelessness Support

Women and Children’s Refuge

Narrabri Family and Youth Service

Namoi Toy Library

Supported Playgroup